Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Full Circle


Do you ever find yourself in your personal discernments, reflections on life, or prayers asking God what He could possibly want for you? “God, what is it that You want me to do? Where do You want me to go?” I wish it worked that way. I wish I could just let someone else decide for me where to go! After all, He’s the one who’s got me figured out, right?!

And I know we ask out of humility. I know we ask God this question because we recognize that He is our maker. We recognize that if there is anyone who knows what we are made for, it’s Him. But maybe, there’s something else we need to recognize first before we start asking these questions.
“God wants us to be saints more than we do.” Hearing these words made me realize so much. It’s so hard to sometimes feel like what we want is in alignment with what God might want for us. What this made me realize is that ultimately God simply wants the best for me, but sometimes I have a hard time believing I could ever be worthy or deserving of that greatness. Sometimes, I have a hard time believing I could ever be good enough for others… so what more for God? God wants me to go beyond what I could ever dream I could be. To go beyond the limits I set for myself. Before God can tell me that He wants me to be a teacher, a mom, a wife, a missionary – I have to first put my total faith in Him. I have to first believe that no matter the sacrifice, no matter the hardship that I will face in my life, I will be MORE than okay. It will be worth it because I am made for greatness. I am made for excellence. Far beyond jewels is my value.

Our worth are constantly being devalued and deformed by the failures we don’t forgive ourselves for, by our constant fear of being inadequate. We begin to play God and determine for ourselves just how much we are capable of doing, just how ‘good’ we are capable of being.

In everything that we do, we must never be too afraid to give up the good for something greater. We must never lose faith in the goodness that is within all of us. God made you for greatness, and all He wants you to do is to live your life committed to believing that.

When you believe that, I guarantee, you will find the strength in knowing that someone loves you, in knowing that someone sees the infinite possibilities of dream-come-trues in you, in knowing that you are more than your fears and failures. See, when you know this, you can do anything. When you know this, everything is an adventure, and you are always going to be where you need to be.

Be loved!

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