Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Bloom: XXV

January 2016

Since my last post, the autumn leaves of red and gold have fallen gently away from the branches making way for a very delayed winter -- there were several 70-degree days I remember enjoying in December, but surely enough, today, I found myself cold beyond belief while being covered in snow, on Capitol Hill, celebrating the gift that life is.

Speaking of life, I turned 25 this month. That's a quarter of a century. You would think that I would have something for you, but here it is, just another day added onto my blessed adventure. Another day to plunge even deeper into the mystery of life. Such a milestone will make anyone feel like something new or different is overdue, but the best thing I have come to discover is that it's not about adding something new, but rather learning how to take what I've given and realizing that by simply being alive, anything else I have is already more than enough. I no longer have an expanded list of goals and expectations for the next twenty-five years, I simply hope to hang on to this reminder: I am not lacking in anything. Simply put, God provides. 

The last year has been the most tangible reminder of how short and transient life is. If I were Adele, I'd have an album titled 24 and I'd fill it with songs about arrivals and departures, hellos (lol) and goodbyes. I am still constantly on the move, and it brings me to a realization today that much of my struggle to bloom comes from not really feeling like I am planted anywhere at all. 

Thus, bloom. It's the direction in which all my travels are headed. It's the goal I want to place all my efforts into accomplishing day by day. I want to bloom regardless of the circumstance. I want to bloom knowing that in this garden of life, circumstances don't determine my fate, the Gardener does. He takes care of me.

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